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Saturday 22 November 2014

Laravel Installation and configuration

Laravel Installation and configuration

First you need to install Composer from this link:
Here you can find both installer for windows and Unix.

If you are in windows then download here:
Before installing Composer check that you must have PHP 5.3 or later.

  1. I am assuming that you are using Wamp 2.5
  2. Go to in the "c:\wamp\www\" folder
  3. open command window and cd in "c:\wamp\www\"
  4. type "composer create-project laravel/laravel TestPro1" in command window; where composer is the exe file name "create-project" is the keywors, "laravel/laravel" is the keyword, "TestPro1" is the project name.
  5. This will create a folder "TestPro1" with supporting directories and files.
  6. Rename "server.php" to "index.php"

open browser with this link :

You can see default page .

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